Welcome to the blog of Martin and Margot Hodson! You can find out a lot about us by visiting our web site at www.hodsons.org We do not think we will use this blog very often, but we will use it to let people have details of some of our publications our speaking engagements and conferences. Some of these things seem better on a blog than on a web page, and this looks a bit easier to do as well.

Saturday 23 March 2013

Carnival Kingdom

Carnival Kingdom - biblical justice for global communities
Edited by Marijke Hoek, Jonathan Ingleby, 
Carol Kingston-Smith, and Andy Kingston-Smith.
We were pleased to contribute the Climate Justice chapter to this (2013) book:
HODSON, M.J. & HODSON, M.R. (2013) Climate Justice: contemporary developments in science, policy, action and theology. In Carnival Kingdom - biblical justice for global communities. Eds. M. Hoek, J. Ingleby, C. Kingston-Smith, & A. Kingston-Smith. 125-143. Wide Margin Publishers.

For more details go to Carnival Kingdom

Welcome to our Blog


Welcome to the blog of Martin and Margot Hodson!
You can find out a lot about us by visiting our web site at www.hodsons.org We do not think we will use this blog very often, but we will use it to let people have details of some of our publications our speaking engagements and conferences. Some of these things seem better on a blog than on a web page, and this looks a bit easier to do as well.
In case you were wondering the snowy picture of us was taken in Wells, Somerset, UK in January 2013.