Welcome to the blog of Martin and Margot Hodson! You can find out a lot about us by visiting our web site at www.hodsons.org We do not think we will use this blog very often, but we will use it to let people have details of some of our publications our speaking engagements and conferences. Some of these things seem better on a blog than on a web page, and this looks a bit easier to do as well.

Friday, 5 January 2018

Margot R Hodson Publication List

Margot R Hodson Publication List

Hodson, M.J. and Hodson, M.R. (2017) An Introduction to Environmental Ethics, E184, Cambridge: Grove Books Ltd.
Hodson, M.J. and Hodson, M.R. (2016) Climate, Soils and God: Stewardship and the future of rural Britain, Country Way, Issue 73, p.12-13.
Hodson, M.J. and Hodson, M.R. (2015) A Christian Guide to Environmental Issues, Oxford: BRF.
Hodson, M.J. and Hodson, M.R. (2015) The Ethics of Climatic Scepticism, E177, Cambridge: Grove Books Ltd.
Hodson, M.J. and Hodson, M.R. (2015) 'Is it ethical to invest in fossil fuels? How can environmental ethics inform our decision-making?' in N. Bull, Ed. Is it ethical for the Church to invest in fossil fuels? Reflections from Christian theologians, scientists and environmentalists. Operation Noah, p.5. http://brightnow.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Is-it-ethical-for-the-Church-to-invest-in-fossil-fuels-reflections-from-Christian-theologians-scientists-and-environmentalists.pdf
Hodson, M.R. (2015) Preaching for the planet – key Bible passages. Preach Magazine (Spring 2015), p.20-24.
Hodson, M.R. (2014) Developing a network benefice, Country Way, Issue 67, p.24.
Hodson, M.R. (2014) ‘Why I Care about the Environment’, Christian Concern for One World, http://www.ccow.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Why-I-Care-about-the-Environment.pdf
Hodson, M.R. and Hodson, M.J. Eds. (2013) Environment and Hope, Anvil, 29:1 (Guest Editors of this issue).
Hodson, M.R. (2013) Editorial: Discovering a Robust Hope for Life on a Fragile Planet, Anvil, 29:1, 1-6.
Hodson, M.J. and Hodson, M.R. (2013) ‘Climate justice: contemporary developments in science, policy, action and theology’ in M. Hoek, J. Ingleby, C. Kingston-Smith and A. Kingston-Smith Eds. Carnival Kingdom - biblical justice for global communities. Gloucester: Wide Margin Publishers. pp. 125-143.
Hodson M R (2013) 'Multiple Growth: Haddenham Benefice, Oxford Diocese', Catalyst, CPAS (April - September 2012, p6)
Hodson, M.R. (2013) ‘Environment’ in L. Cherrett Ed. Guidelines, Bible study for today’s ministry and mission, Oxford: BRF, Vol 29 part 1.
Hodson, M.R. (2011) Uncovering Isaiah’s Environmental Ethics, E161, Cambridge: Grove Books Ltd.
Hodson, M.J. and Hodson, M.R. (2011) Climate Change, Faith and Rural Communities, Northampton: Agriculture and Theology Project.
Hodson, M.J. and Hodson, M.R. (2011) ‘Community’ Carbon Fast Lent Course, week 3, Teddington: Tearfund.
Hodson, M.R. (2010) ‘Storm clouds and mission: creation care and environmental crisis’ in B. Woolnough and W. Ma Eds. Holistic Mission. God's Plan for God's People. Oxford: Regnum Books International.
Hodson, M.R. and Hodson, M.J. (2010) ‘Integral mission in a groaning creation’ Go Magazine (Interserve), 4th quarter, 3-4.
Hodson, M. J. and Hodson, M. R. (2008) Cherishing the Earth, How to care for God’s Creation, Oxford: Monarch.
Weaver, J. and Hodson, M.R. Eds. (2007) The Place of Environmental Theology: a guide for seminaries, colleges and universities, Oxford: Whitley Trust, and Prague: IBTS.
Hodson, M.R. (2007) ‘Creative harmony: Isaiah’s vision of a sustainable future’, in R. J. Berry, Ed. When Enough is Enough, A Christian Framework for Environmental Sustainability, Leicester: IVP, pp. 169-177.
Hodson, M.R. (2004) Environmental Christianity: insights from our Jewish Heritage, JRI Briefing Papers, No. 13, Cheltenham: The John Ray Initiative.
Hodson, M.R. (2000) A Feast of Seasons, Celebrate the Bible's festivals with your family and friends, London: Monarch.
Hodson, M.R. (1998) Jerusalem’s Story: A Series of Bible Studies for Individuals or Groups, St Albans: Olive Press.


Premier Radio (2017) Climate change and us, hosted by Martyn Eden, 11 May 2017
Hodson, M. R. (2015) Hope for the world: The Journey from Paris to Bethlehem, A Rocha, Advent Calendar, door 13: http://advent.arocha.org.uk/
BBC, Radio 4 (2007) Held together in Christ, a Christian response to Climate Change, Live broadcast for 8.10am Radio 4 Sunday Morning Worship, from the Chapel of Jesus College Oxford, led by the Revd Margot Hodson, with Sir John Houghton and the Choir and students of Jesus College, 11 February 2007.