Welcome to the blog of Martin and Margot Hodson! You can find out a lot about us by visiting our web site at www.hodsons.org We do not think we will use this blog very often, but we will use it to let people have details of some of our publications our speaking engagements and conferences. Some of these things seem better on a blog than on a web page, and this looks a bit easier to do as well.

Wednesday, 21 December 2022

Martin and Margot Hodson, Christmas Letter 2022

Dear All,
After two years of major disruption due to the pandemic, 2022 returned to something like normal again, with just the first couple of months affected by omicron. Just as we were coming out of one crisis though the war in Ukraine began, and we still have no certainty how it will end. But for both of us we were able to travel fairly freely.

In March we visited the A Rocha France centre, Les Courmettes, for the final session with our environmental science Cross Currents IFES group. The group had lasted much longer than we had anticipated, and it was sad to see it end. We are now working with our friends from IFES on what happens next. Before our meeting we were able the stay with Chris and Alison Walley. Martin has known Chris since university days in Swansea (a long time ago!), and it was good to catch up.
May saw us return to our mid-Wales pandemic hideaway at Dyffryn Ardudwy. Lots of nice walks. Being there also enabled us to attend the long delayed memorial service for Sir John Houghton who died back in April 2020. It was a packed church to remember an amazing man. Sadly, some of Sir John’s predictions on climate change are already coming true, but we don’t think anyone was expecting the UK to hit 40C, as it did this July, so soon.

With the easing on travel restrictions, visitors have started to return once more! So we had Justus and Femke from the Netherlands; Martin’s nephew, David, and Danae from the States; Margot’s sister Karen and John from Somerset; Pam & Jan from US/Wales; Ben from A Rocha International, and most recently, Adrian from Romania concerning our IFES work. It was wonderful to be able to welcome Margot’s extended family for a lovely summer “do” in July.

Our big trip of the year was to see Martin’s family in the States in October. We had not seen most of them for three years, and it was great to catch up with them all. One highlight was a visit to the aspen forests near Flagstaff in perfect autumn colours.

Martin’s plant silica work continues to blossom. This year this included finishing off a special issue for the journal Plant and Soil, a visit to Brussels to work with archaeologist friends, and examining two doctoral theses. Still teaching at both universities in Oxford….
Meanwhile our church and environment work has been able to expand once again to in person meetings and lectures (but Zoom is still there as well!). We have been getting a lot of invitations to teach environmental issues and theology on a whole range of course and contexts (e.g. a week at Sarum College in Salisbury). Margot has joined the steering group of TCEN (Theological Colleges Environmental Network) and we had a fruitful trip to Durham in September to explore the place of environment in ministry training. In July Martin stood down as Operations Director for the John Ray Initiative after 13 years. That is one responsibility down, but there are half a dozen left!
Margot has continued her half time role at the Shill Valley and Broadshire benefice. It has undoubtedly been easier this year out of the pandemic and with her full-time colleague back after illness and we especially enjoy leading our thriving fellowship group. We hope to see many of you in 2023!
Best wishes
Martin & Margot

When we spotted bargain tickets for a match at Villa Park on 15 Dec – we did not realise it would be -2C

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